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Automating Integration & Deployment Using Git, Jenkins and Docker Part 4 /Integrating Docker Hub with jenkins


Integrating Docker Hub registry account with Jenkins.

1.Create a account at Docker Hub .
Just visit and the follow the process to create a account.
2. After creating account just login into Docker Hub. Once you have successfully just click on the create 
Repository . a repository name. In this case I have chosen tutorial .

4.If you want to make your repo private you can chose private. Here in this case I have chosen public 
And then click on create.

5.Now go to Jenkins. Click on Manage Jenkins .

6.Click on configure credentials.

7.Now in the left-hand side click on Credentials.

8.Now click on Jenkins as highlighted.
9.Now click on Global Credentials.

10.Now click on add credentials as Highlighted.

Fill the below with you docker hub credentials and Password and the click ok .

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